There are at least four good reasons to treat yourself or your loved ones to a good relaxing massage.
A relaxing massage is the decision to take time to devote to yourself, both physically and mentally. In fact, relaxing massages allow you to recover your inner energy and find a new balance.
The frenetic speed of modern life and the continuous stressful condition in which we often find ourselves, tend to further strain the body and mind, accumulating tensions especially in some areas that more than others tend to accumulate emotions that are not manifested, such as the back or the neck, but in each body it is located in a different area.
1- Getting back in touch with ourselves. How many times do we stop during the day and ask ourselves “how am I doing”? Massage is a deep and precise way of asking ourselves where we are, where we are on the road to well-being, where we are on the map of priorities. Too often we give priority to actions, commitments, deadlines, projects to be carried out, but the only real priority is ourselves! Only we can give life to what we do. The tiredness and frustration we feel is because the exact opposite is true.
In Sol i Lluna Terapias Naturales the masseuse with her hands, through the relaxing massage technique, creates an invisible bridge where our emotions, our desires meet the most hidden part of us. It is there where projects arise, intuitions and fears are diluted. There we are already on the way to serenity.
2- Staying in the present. Most of the time when we feel anxiety or fear it is because we are not anchored in the present moment. What does that mean? It means living fully every present moment we encounter; and not dwelling on the past or having anxieties about the future..
At Sol i Lluna Terapias Naturales, with the relaxing massage we help to calm and balance the breath. Breathing is a great tool to reconnect, refocus and stop anxiety.
3- Listening to and pampering our body During the massage phase we often discover ailments or disharmonies that the body points out. Although massage is not a medical therapy and does not make a diagnosis, the body signals imbalances linked to poorly channelled emotions such as excessive anger, continuous thoughts about the past, constant complaints, non-acceptance of the present, immeasurable concern for others. It is vital not to distance ourselves from the body, it is important to learn to listen to it, to accept it, to pamper it, because the body is the only tool we have to express ourselves in this life. It is the body that works, that enjoys, that cries, that is in pain, that feels happiness… You have to respect and love your body. Relaxing massage reconnects you with your body.
4- Relax naturally Relaxation is the combination of 2 factors: one mental or psychological and the other physical or muscular. Of course, as in an infinite circular movement, mental relaxation facilitates physical relaxation and physical relaxation facilitates mental relaxation, so why not create an ideal situation in which both feed and amplify each other?
The massage creates an atmosphere of mental and then physical relaxation. The moment you lie down, your whole body is activated to find relaxation in a natural, effective and gradual way.
The most common reaction after treatment is “feeling light”..
When we receive the massage, all the burdens that make our path more difficult and heavy, leave our body and mind little by little.
The treatments that we propose at Sol i Lluna Terapias Naturales Valencia aim to achieve these four objectives.
Relaxing massage techniques that are adapted to each particular body and each specific need are integrated with techniques to amplify the benefits, such as hot volcanic stones, essential oils and many others, achieving physical and mental peace and serenity.