Japanese Facial Massage
Rejuvenating effect on face and neck
Rejuvenating effect on face and neck
With Japanese massage facial therapy you will feel how the muscles of your face and neck relax, help release tension and produce a skin tightening effect with a rejuvenating effect.
A ritual of drainage, stimulation, pressure and relaxation, with a non-surgical facelift result that will fill you with well-being.
Individual massage
30 minutes: 35 €
60 minutes: 50 €
90 minutes: 75 €
120 minutes: 100 €
Couples massage
30 minutes: 70 €
60 minutes: 100 €
90 minutes: 150 €
120 minutes: 200 €
Time enjoyed is time actually lived
Calle Garrigues 3, piso 2, puerta C
46001 Valencia
Tel. 0034.658 32 46 91