Japanese Facial Massage

Rejuvenating effect on face and neck

A facial massage with a lifting effect

With Japanese massage facial therapy you will feel how the muscles of your face and neck relax, help release tension and produce a skin tightening effect with a rejuvenating effect.

A ritual of drainage, stimulation, pressure and relaxation, with a non-surgical facelift result that will fill you with well-being.


Individual massage

30 minutes: 35 €

60 minutes: 50 €

90 minutes: 75 €

120 minutes: 100 €

Couples massage

30 minutes: 70 €

60 minutes: 100 €

90 minutes: 150 €

120 minutes: 200 €

Book your wellness experience

Time enjoyed is time actually lived


Calle Garrigues 3, piso 2, puerta C

46001 Valencia


Tel. 0034.658 32 46 91